Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Robertsport trip

This past Friday and Saturday I joined a group heading to the gorgeous beach of Robertsport. It's about a three hour drive, up the coast from Monrovia.

We ordered up 5 taxis for the 20 campers. It cost $22 US per person round trip.

We picked up some fuel for the trip. Some fuel stations have funnels, some use siphons.

About 2/3 of the distances is fairly good pavement. Every so often we have to stop at check points of Liberian police. The drivers have to all get out and talk in the guard shack. Bribes are still common. People who had gone last year remarked that there were many less UN manned check points. The last 1/3 is not paved and is dotted with about 20 small bridges. That's where the story of this photo comes in. Since it's the dry season, the road is very dusty. With 5 cars following each other too closely... yes you guess it, one car slowed for the bridge crossing and the vehicle behind it did not see it and bumped it. The car went off the bridge - not one got hurt. The Pakistani UN troops stopped and gave some of the people in that car a lift. Later they went back and pulled the taxi out.

Our tents are under that large tree.

Robertsport is now a small town of fishermen. The fish in the evening and early morning.

Walking about 3/4 of an hour up the beach brought us into town. We found some cool sodas.

There are lots of these craps running around on the beach - they are quick.

It rained and thundered hard over night. Some campers had hoped to sleep outside, but had to run for cover.


Blogger CAR said...

That is just amazing. What great adventures you seem to be having? Do you really wanna come back?

March 28, 2008 at 7:45 AM  

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