Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Questions from emails part 2

What type of food they serve you guys?
All kinds. We have a great cook right now, and two ovens were recently fixed (enabling the steaming feature), both have improved the food. This cheif has a blog with the menu: http://afmmenu.tyroneandstephanie.com/menu/

How are the sleeping arrangements?
There are all kinds of cabins sizes. There are family berths, 10, 6, 4, and 3 person berths. There are also couples cabins. There is a point system that helps fairly decide what cabin you live in. Length of your stay, your age, and job are the major factors. I live in a 6 berth cabin.

Do you guys get to cook for yourself if you want to?
Yes. There is a crew galley (kitchen) with refrigeration space.

What are your work hours?
Mine are 800 to 1700. The hours you work depends on your job.

Have you seen any interesting medical procedures?
Yes, I was able to in November. I look forward to seeing more.

Is it all I expected it to be?
Yes indeed. I'm glad I chose to leave and come here.

How many different nationalities are on the ship?
In November there was a count made and it was 36. It varies as people come and go. This Friday 30+ people arrive.

Have you gotten sea sick?
Luckily no. The rocking does tire me (most everyone) out a little as you counter the movement to keep yourself upright. However most people find it rocks them to sleep at night.

Did you see any dolphins?
Sure did. They show up from time to time. They like to play in the surf of the bow. During sailing, good weather and calm seas, the bow is open. Much of the crew heads out there after dinner. The other day, the dolphins put on quite a show, jumping out of the water. There were at least 15. They were probably also after the flying fish that we were seeing.

Have you gotten any care packages yet?
Yes, I have. Thank you mother and Lindsey!

Do you have any special duties?
I'm on the fire fighting crew. Since I have driving privledges, I've been volunteering to drive and pick up and drop off crew at the airports.


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