Thursday, February 7, 2008

Arrival in the port of Monrovia, Liberia

We approached the harbor shortly after 700 hrs on Febuary 5. The temperature was around 70, and humid.

This is the main tug boat, here it's dropping off the pilot. This person is familar with the port and helps ships manoeuvre safely. This practice is common aorund the world. This is especially important with all the sunken ships here.

I did think I'd grow a beard this winter since I won't see any snow and cold. I didn't shave while sailing, now that we're here it's gone. Most of the crew is also anxious for the hair dresser/ barber to arrive, possible next week. We haven't had one for a month.

Our dock is on the right side.

There was a big welcome party on the dock. Right now we have another ship on the dock. It was caught off the coast with 2.5 tons of cocaine by the French Navy. The drug has since been burned. Here is the more of the story.

There were two African choirs welcoming us. It's good to hear their singing again.

It was a surprise that this ship has a bow out of water. It sank when it was unload incorrectly seven years ago. We hope that it will be gone soon. It's blocking priceless Liberian dock footage.


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