Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Final post for this blog

I've started the final post of this blog a few times over the last weeks. I've been patiently waiting for all the thoughts and feelings to settle down. To somehow look back over my shoulder in to my history, at the last 8 months of my life, and understand what I've experienced. The stories are many, and as I go about my days recently, I'm reminded of them. As I was driving home from work today, I saw two people loading a truck with boxes - I remember loading the ship with over fifty shipmates, one line from the refrigerated container on the dock (in Santa Cruz, Tenerife) across the gang plank to third deck, down the hospital operating hallway, down the red stairs to second deck, and then into the freezers. Moving frozen vegatbles, fish, and meat boxes for half the day was a hoot. "Lamb from Australia!" was said, as the box was handed from one recieving hands to another. A quick vote was taken, and half the people in hearing range didn't like lamb. "Canadian bacon" Hahaa, not surprisingly almost everyone likes bacon (espcially since we only had it for Sunday breakfast). A large bowl of cookies was passed down once in a while, mmm life is good. We were all there to get the job done and have a good time.

And in the common attitude sits a small quite lesson. Life is after all about relationships. Person to person, friend to friend, father to mother, mother to daughter, father to son, brother to sister, sister to sister, lover to lover, stranger to stranger, neighbor to neighbor... Those memories and bonds between you and others can not be taken from you...perceived social status and fragile material pocessions can.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed some of the stories,

Kylie, my wonderful Kiwi girlfriend, poses with my silly welcome art
(New Zealand has lots of sheep)

Phil the electrician, a happy Canadian/Fujian with his new and my old overalls.