Sunday, May 18, 2008

Adventure to Ganta, and almost Nimba Part 1

Ten of us decided to head to Ganta and then to Nimba for 3 days. Nimba used to be an iron ore mining site, with beautiful jungle views and hills. Ganta is 280k from Monrovia - a six hour drive. The road is paved, but sometimes the pavement has huge pot holes (wheel bearing killers). Since we had a 4 day weekend, the plan was to drive to Ganta, stay at a church guest house, drive and hike to Nimba, return to Ganta for the night and then drive back to Monrovia on Sunday (having Monday as a spare day).

Handle bar mustache Phil.

Liberia is sectioned off in to UN country contingents.

The guys.

The gals.

The guest house.

The Methodist Church.

Dinner: Rice and potato leaves, with palm oil, chicken and fish.

Strong Arm Maria warming up bananas stuffed with Nutella.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Adventure to Ganta, and almost Nimba Part 2

Courageous Toes Daniela, Cell Inspector Vanessa, and Handy Joanne

Burning the land before planting is still common, alternatively, composting is being taught

Hot peppers at the market

Beautiful stretch of northern Liberia, north of Ganta.

About 20k outside of Ganta, a front wheel bearing started to squeal. After a few tears over the Shagin wagon, we turned around, hopeful we could even make it back to town.

Lunch break

With the help of the hospital's mechanics, a new spindle, hub, and bearings, we drove home Sunday. Luckily there are enough of these mini buses laying all over, that a spindle and hub were found.

This is how we fed the diesel wagon - oddly it took more fuel to come back. They say the fuel is thinned out as you get further away from Monrovia.

Though we didn't make it to the Nimba mountain mine area, it was good fun to try. Your first plan in Africa, is rarely followed through - plan B, C - Z, is where the fun begins!